Basejump, Supabase and Next.js Starter Template
The fastest way to ship using Basejump, Supabase and Next.js
Next steps
- Decide if you want to support both personal and team accounts. Personal accounts can't be disabled, but you can remove the dashboard sections that display them.Learn more here
Generate additional tables in Supabase using the Basejump CLI
npx @usebasejump/cli@latest generate table posts title body published:boolean published_at:date
The CLI isn't required, but it'll help you learn the RLS policy options available to you. Learn more here
- Flesh out the dashboard with any additional functionality you need. Check out the Basejump API docs here
- Setup subscription billing. Determine if you want to bill for both personal and team accounts, update your
table accordingly. Learn more about setting up Stripe here
- Basejump Docs
- Writing tests on Supabase with pgTAP
- Working with RLS Policies in Supabase
- Deploying to Production
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